Monday, April 03, 2017

Vintage and Cereal Drive for Children

Trial and Error is part of life. If we never have rain we never appreciate the Sunshine.

I love Springtime. It is all around me.

Easter is late this year on April 16th. but sure could fool me with all the flowers and trees.

I have a double cherry tree loaded with pink blossoms, apple and crabapple trees with white flowers.

My hyacinth just ended and now the huge Snowball plant is getting ready to bloom.

New beginnings everywhere. Little baby lambs and baby colts and calves everywhere.

I am venturing out or should I say back to brick and mortar booth.

Hopefully it will be a 2 way street with the booth and the online shops.

If you follow me on Instagram as OliviaandShae you will see a bit of everything.

Many of my sales over the years have been used by me to help those in need of a bit of help.

Especially children.

Seller since 1996 and online since 2002 God has been good to me with selling the Vintage and Antiques that I love.

Bulldog Breakfast Club

Currently I am hoping to help provide 5000 boxes of Breakfast Cereal and Dry Powdered Milk to feed the children in the Summertime.

That is a lot of children and alot of Cereal needed.

If some nice Organization is out there and sees this and wants to help well.....

I am sure many areas could use something like this and it is a real Blessing to me personally to help with this.

Thanks so much for being such wonderful followers of my shops over the years.

I greatly appreciate it.

GracefulAntiquesVtg My Bonanza Shop

GracefulVtgClothing My Etsy Clothing Shop