Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Vintage Fall at GracefulAntiquesVtg

I think Fall is my very favorite time of year.

Not too cold and not too hot. I flat just can think clearer when it is not terribly hot.

I have 3 shops currently online but today I am going to highlight my main one.

Graceful Antiques and Vintage Collectibles

I have gathered #Vintage and #Antique items for years and years.

I started collecting at an early age.

Currently I am fascinated with Vintage items once made in the USA.

So I am trying to tags these as such in my shop and have started a team also.

#VtgUSATeam is the hashtag for this and slowly building. Would love some help with this.

If the vintage item was #MadeinUSA I am trying to highlight it and the History of the Company.

Many have long gone and many recently went away. Some are still in business.

Selling online since 2002 I have been aware of this especially with glass. Have a lovely day and enjoy the Fall weather.