Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Antiques of the Past for the Future

I love Antiques and I especially love the research of them.

Selling since 1996 I have learned a great deal about my inventory.

Through the venues of course I have sold on but also years of research in books and online.

I always am so intrigued any object last 100 years or more. How I always wonder.

Through moves and children and weather conditions. I find it all truly amazing.

Once upon Antique porcelain and such that had broken was even stapled together to repair.

I even find that fascinating. All about the respect of the past and those items that people cherished.

It was not at all like today with mass consumerism. Most stuff now is not made to last long really.

I find that very interesting as well.

The younger ones seem to be alarmed most about climate change and pollution and such.
The whole time they buy everything brand new and seemingly demand bulk cheaper items.

Not all of course and I do not really fault them as they do not have the experience of real quality items and how it used to be.

Once upon a time it was about the craftsmanship and quality and not quantity. Quantity sells more of course. That drives the market.

One can sell one of a kind or Antique or crank out mass amount of bulk items.
I understand this of course.

Perhaps it will be reversed and the true knowledge of History and the beauty of Antiques will be desired again.

I once asked a young dealer about this and about the repurposing trend.

Their answer was oh phooey. We will never run out of old stuff. I disagree completely.

If something is beyond repair I get it. I really do and love seeing what can be made out of these items.

Knowing names of Antiques and History is not passe but not as mainstream as once upon a time IMHO.

I learned from old time Antique dealers and it was ALL about the name.

Paragon, Limoges, Coalport etc.

I loved these old time sellers and I soaked it all in and again was fascinated.

I set out on missions to find these fascinating items they spoke of. I still do but would love if the younger ones would be as fascinated as I was and am still.

GracefulAntiquesVtg on Etsy.
Graceful Antiques and Vintage Collectibles.

GracefulVtgClothing on Etsy.
Graceful Vintage Clothing

GracefulAntiquesVtg booth at real World mall in Greenwood, Arkansas.

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